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29 March 2022: Before breakfast I walked to the former 'Turkish' station in Be'er Sheva, opened during the First World War when the area was under Ottoman control. Back to the hotel for breakfast then PTG bus to Be'er Sheva-North/University station. Then by PTG charter train to Dimona, where a depot visit was made (Be'er Sheva to Dimona normally has an infrequent passenger service, but this is not running at the moment). Then the PTG charter continued on freight-only line into the Negev desert to Mamshit Junction where a photo stop and run past was made awaiting a path. Next a visit was made to Tzefa where we were able to alight to view some of the shunting operations. Returning to Mamshit Junction we had hoped to use the third side of the triangle there but this was not possible. After a reversal we continued over the 18 km freight line to Tzin, this line (and the works there) now being out of use. Returning via Mamshit Junction and Dimona, we continued via Kiryat Gat, Lod and the south to west curve at Rosh Ha-Ayin South, terminating at Bnei Brak. A service train was taken to Tel Aviv-Savidor Center, close to our hotel the Leonardo City Tower.
See trip report for the full itinerary, traction details and notes.
See trip report for the full itinerary, traction details and notes.

- Be'er Sheva 'Turkish' station
- Be'er Sheva 'Turkish' station
- Be'er Sheva 'Turkish' station
- Be'er Sheva 'Turkish' station
- Be'er Sheva-North/University
- Be'er Sheva-North/University
- Be'er Sheva-North/University
- Dimona
- Dimona
- Dimona depot
- Dimona depot
- Dimona depot
- Dimona depot
- Mamshit Junction
- Mamshit Junction
- Mamshit Junction
- Mamshit Junction
- Mamshit Junction
- Tzefa
- Tzefa
- Tzefa
- Negev Desert
- Negev Desert
- Tzin Viaduct
- Negev Desert