Main aim this morning was to cover the former Estoril Railway to Cascais, which will be converted to 25 kV over the coming years. Trains 6409 and 6457, which in reality are formed from the same stock, cover the only two sections of obscure track in Portugal: the west curve out of Santa Apolónia, and the south-to-west curve at Bifurcação de Lares, though these sections are over three hours apart and near the extremes of the journey! As the ALFA was late due to ongoing engineering works on the main line south of Porto, I waited at Campanhã a bit longer to take the EE 8CSVT-equipped class 1400 for the four minutes into São Bento, working through from Pocinho in the Douro Valley.
See trip report for the full itinerary, traction details and notes.
See trip report for the full itinerary, traction details and notes.