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Home / 2023 / Germany - July 2023 / Göhren, Sassnitz, Jagdschloss and Sellin - 20 July 2023 27

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Thursday 20th July 2023 A free day. Two of us chose to do a circular train ride from Göhren via Binz to Sassnitz, then back via Bergen and Putbus to Göhren. Getting the first morning service to Linz LB we videoed the return departure for Göhren (see my Youtube video), with plenty of time left to walk across Binz to the main line station which is known as "Ostseebad Binz". Then we caught local trains via Lietzow to Sassnitz where we had time to have a look around the Sassnitz Hafen harbour area: I arrived here in the 1990s on a train ferry working from Sweden, when the train was pulled off the ship then hauled up the semicircular steep connecting line up to the main station. Continuing by local train via Bergen (Rügen) to Putbus we then caught a steam working back to Göhren, breaking our journey to walk up to the Jagdschloss and back on the way. In the evening we had a group meal the Seebrücke (pier) at Sellin, followed by a run in the open coach in the dark from Sellin Ost to Binz and back to Göhren.
See trip report for the full itinerary, traction details and notes.