Home / 1985 / Ireland - July 1985 4
A 7-day visit to Ireland with a friend, mainly to cover freight lines. In those days you could easily obtain a "Locomotive and Railcar Pass" which, with an 8-day "Rail Rambler Ticket" all-line pass, allowed travel on all passenger and freight trains in the driving cab, subject of course to the Driver giving permission. Photos of pass and ticket included below.
All photos are scanned from prints; the time shown against each photo is an estimate.
All photos are scanned from prints; the time shown against each photo is an estimate.
4 July 1985
12 photos5 July 1985
19 photos6 July 1985
16 photos7 July 1985
3 photos8 July 1985
14 photos9 July 1985
6 photos10 July 1985
12 photos