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Chanza Dam

20221229_151639.jpg Guadiana RailwayThumbnailsManchester Ship Canal, Barton areaGuadiana RailwayThumbnailsManchester Ship Canal, Barton areaGuadiana RailwayThumbnailsManchester Ship Canal, Barton areaGuadiana RailwayThumbnailsManchester Ship Canal, Barton areaGuadiana RailwayThumbnailsManchester Ship Canal, Barton areaGuadiana RailwayThumbnailsManchester Ship Canal, Barton areaGuadiana RailwayThumbnailsManchester Ship Canal, Barton area

This photo, from the same viewpoint as the previous photo of the dam, shows the Chanza River joining the Guadiana River, looking downstream. The bridge visible is the Puente Internacional del Bajo Guadiana/Baixo Guadiana International Bridge: opened in 2009, it reduced the distance between El Granado and Pomarão from 100 km (via Ayamonte) to 12 km. The Guadiana left bank beyond the bridge is Spain, this viewpoint and the Guadiana right bank are in Portugal. Pomarão village, and the river port area of the São Domingos to Pomarão mines railway, are below and to the right - see these photos.