Saturday 28th January 2023 Back to doing "my own thing". Aims for today were to cover the two routes to Salamanca and the various connections onto the Salamanca line at Medina del Campo. All of today would be "new track" for me except the route out of Madrid as far as Ávila, and part of the high speed line to Segovia. Segovia has a superb, completely intact, Roman Aqueduct, which I made sure I had time to look over (photos here), and also is the end of a broad gauge Madrid outer suburban line with a poor service (which I would cover next day). Salamanca-La Alamedilla is an interesting station that only sees trains terminating from beyond Salamanca, and has no departures back towards Salamanca, the trains all returning "empty"; it's only a 10 to 15 minute walk though. Between Salamanca and Medina del Campo, most trains bypass Cantalapiedra station on a significantly separate alignment, only a few call there, so I had to carefully arrange the schedule to cover one of those.
See trip report for the full itinerary, traction details and notes.
See trip report for the full itinerary, traction details and notes.